Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Arbonne Detox Day 19

Today was a day of reconciliation.  After Eric and I had it out last night about many things.   Which is completely healthy for us.  We always feel a little raw and emotional the next day.  So that is how today felt.  Raw. 

2 more days of the 7-day Clense and it is definitely taking a toll on us.   Something must be working because we are not feeing normal. 

Today after lunch we planned to go to indy for the day/night and meet up with friends for dinner.  So, we planned ahead and made wise decisions.   Here is everything that we packed.  

We ended up eating hummus at a place where everything is served organic and free range.  That was fun and yummy.  

Then we hung around for a while with some friends and went to supper at a fabulous place called Bagger Daves that has vegan and gluten free options!  It was sooo yummy!   

Great night.  Great food.  And we stayed true to the detox!  

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Arbonne Detox Day 18

Today I was tired.  I don't remember a Friday that I have not been tired, lol.  It always seems that by Friday my steam has just ran out!  

I taught a fun lesson at school about John Williams and the kids loved it.  I have been really trying to cherish the kids that I work with.  They are each such a beautiful creation of God.  

I definitely should have brought a fizz stick or 3 to work to keep me going.  So tired!  

After school I stayed and we finished casting the musical.  It was extremely difficult but I am glad it's over and now I am super excited to work with these wonderful kids I casted! 

After I posted it Eric and I went to the grocery store while we were both hungry, tired, and crabby. Because we had nothing to cook for supper.   Not a good idea.  I don't know how we managed to get through the store without biting each other's heads off.  Well, we might have a couple of times.  Oh yeah and we went way over budget!  Of course.  Lol. Never again.  Always go shopping on a full belly.

Eric and I continued to bicker throughout the night until we finally got tired of it, sat down, and got to the bottom of what was going on.  It's amazing what can happen when two people decide to be honest and open about how they feel.  Figured out that we just needed to take a step back and realize why we were doing the detox and lean more on our maker.  

God is so good.  

We did have an amazing dinner.  We made lettuce leaf tacos!  

So we got grass fed, organic beef and we sautéed it in the skillet with onions and then added this chipotle line seasoning we had in our cabinet.  Instead of tortillas we used lettuce leaves, instead of sour cream we used avacado, instead of cheese we used vegan cheese, and we cut up some cilantro and it was SO YUMMY!!  Give it a try sometime! 

Have a great night!  

Arbonne Detox day 17

Today was a great day.  I had a fine arts day with my students, I got to teach choir after school, and then I got to go to IWU to have tea with my good friend Mary!  It was such a wonderful time meeting with her. 

I haven't noticed any huge symptoms being on the 7-Day Clense part of the detox.  I am feeling very tired today but I'm pretty sure that's from lack of sleep and over stress.   Although, it could be a symptom of my body purging toxins.  My body is working hard! 

Tea with Mary was wonderful.  She is such a beautiful person inside and out and every chance I get to meet with her is a joy.   

Eric and I have been a crabby with each other recently.  Detoxing is stressful sometimes and it can really try your patience when all you want is a big cheesy pizza dispite how bad said pizza is for you.  

Self-control, disapline and remembering that our bodies are Gods temple and we need to take care of them are being constantly tested in us.   I find myself leaning on God a lot this week.  Thank God He is strong because I am so weak. 

Arbonne Detox Day 16

Today I had to teach my two Zumba classes right after I leave from school.  So in the morning I made three shakes-breakfast, lunch, pre/post recovery shake. And loaded them in my blender bottle.  If you work out for more than 60min you need to drink a recovery shake with a banana in it!  Even then, I still had trouble getting enough calories!  How long have I been not getting enough calories on workout days and sending my body into starvation mode!?  

I thought I would share some of my healthy snacks I've been eating:

-almonds, lots of almonds
-almond butter with celery or apple
-Arbonne fit chews 
-chia seed pudding 
-Arbonne fizz stick 
-avacado (I LOVE AVACADO) 
-fried egg in coconut oil

These are what get me through the day.  I have to snack.  I get so hungry and awful feeling if I don't snack.  

Eric has started adding another shake on top of his morning shake, regular lunch, and dinner.  He is trying to get as many calories as possible. 

Thanks for reading!

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Arbonne Detox Day 15

Today was great!   I held auditions after school for my musical and was able to withstand eating papa john's pizza that I ordered for the high school volunteers.   

I drank my cleanse and I actually had trouble because I wanted to drink it super fast and that isn't good for you.  You are supposed to drink to super slow...  So I had to pace myself.  

Overall, great day.  Felt good and energized all day.  

Arbonne Detox Day 14

Today is Martin Luther King Jr. Day and I didn't have school today but I still have a ton of stuff to get done so I'm hoping that starting the 7-Day Cleanse doesn't wear me out too much.  

Which brings me to the next point, TODAY WE STARTED THE 7-DAY CLEANSE!  It's this syrupy stuff that is full of detoxing goodness that you mix with 32oz of water and drink throughout the day.  

I tried this stuff a couple years ago and it tasted so incredibly bad to me that I could not drink it at all!  So I was pretty nervous about this part of the detox.  

I poured my first glass of it and to my amazement, it tasted good!!  It's the same stuff, but I actually enjoy the taste now!  That can only mean one thing, I am getting clean!  You know you are detoxing right when things start tasting differently.  That was this stuff.  

Have a great day! 

Monday, January 19, 2015

Arbonne Detox Day 13

I'm writing this on day 14 because yesterday I fell asleep early for the 2nd night in a row! I was worn out.  I don't know if it is my body detoxing or if it is just worn out from the crazy exhausting week I had.  No idea.   But I do know that sleep felt amazing.  

Yesterday was a typical Sunday.  Went to church, had lunch, went to band practice (which is awesome), went to Starbucks to study with Brittany for my AFFA test, which I should also blog about.  Typical day. 

Oh!  Supper last night was particularly yummy.  I made a "grilled cheese" but with avacado instead of cheese.  

So this is what I did:

Sautéed half of a small onion in coconut oil until see through
Coconut oiled the outsides of brown rice loaf (gluten free bread) 
Spreaded half of an avacado on the bread
Placed the browned onions on the sandwich 
Browned the sandwich in the onion pan until golden and warm 

Then I fried two farm fresh eggs in the onion oil and that was my supper 

IT WAS SO GOOD.  I have been craving really fatty foods like avacado and eggs and things so it just completely satisfied me.  

I usually end up getting hungry again before bed but I didn't last night.  

Also, here is a picture of our fruitbowl that Eric started putting our fruit and veggie stickers in a while ago.  It's kind of like a trophy now.  Lol.  

Have a wonderful day! 

Arbonne Detox Day 12

Last night was so fun!  They had fruit to dip in the chocolate fountain and they had strawberries on that platter so I just ate those!  I drank water and by the end of the night I was so tired that I felt a little loopy!  Ha!  We stayed out way to late but it was well worth it to catch up with old friends.  

Today I was tired.  I managed to make it to my 8am session and to a couple more.  Then I went to lunch with a group of people at an irish pub who served the best breakfast food I'm pretty sure I have ever seen.  I absolutely love breakfast food so it was particularly hard to not partake in the feasting.  But, I had already packed my shake.  As to not be rude, I ordered some squash and tomatoes as a side and drank my shake.  It was fine and nobody bothered me too much about what I was eating.  I did make sure to tell the waitress that she was still going to be tipped appropriately.  Which is very important.  If you go and sit at the table and the waitress brings you water and cleans up after you, tip her a couple dollars.  She worked for you.   

After lunch I was exhausted and I drove home, which was very hard because of the warm sun beating in the car.  But I put on my Brant and Sherri podcast and hit the road.  

I made it home and fell asleep so hard on the couch. I was out of it!  I think my busy crazy week had caught up to me and I was exhausted.  I managed to wake up for an amazing supper that Eric made. Eggplant pizzas, roasted broccoli, and brown rice!  YUM.   We have to do laundry tonight which will not be fun at all.  Ugh.  Can't wait until we have our own washer and dryer!  

Thanks for reading!  

Friday, January 16, 2015

Arbonne Detox Day 11

Today was my first day on the detox while not being at home.  So I did a lot of prep work before.  Eric helped me pack snacks, lots of snacks and enough shakes for every meal.  

I filled the blender up with enough stuff for 4 shakes blended and then put it all in separate blender bottles. 

I have to say, it was a bit awkward when I went to lunch with a friend, ordered an ice tea, and drank my shake.  Lol.  😁 But it worked out and I got a chance to share Arbonne and how it has made me feel so far which is AWESOME!  

I'm glad I brought my fit chews and fizz sticks to keep me going.  I also packed some carrots and almonds to keep me going.  

The worst part was that we went out to dinner for PIZZA (which is my favorite) and I had to order a very naked salad.  Cocktail hour is next and I am not looking forward to not being able to get a cocktail.  I'm planning on just drinking tonic water with lime or lemon and acting like I'm tipsy.  Lol.  I'll let you know how it works out.  

Have a wonderful night!  Thanks for reading! 

Arbonne Detox Day 10

Holy cow.  I can't believe it's been 10 days! 

Thursday was another crazy day at school and I was concerned that I would have low energy levels, as was the case in the past.   This was not the case!  (HALLELUJAH). 

Made it through with flying colors and had enough energy.  


Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Arbonne Detox Day 9

Today was INSAIN.  Like most Wednesdays are for me.  Woke up super duper early and didn't stop until 10:00pm.  I was very worried about how much energy I would have but, turns out I felt great for most of the day!   Yay!  I got hungry a couple times but I just ate my almonds. 

I do have to say it was crazy making three shakes this morning!  1 for breakfast, 1 for lunch and 1 for my pre/post workout!!  But it worked out and praise the Lord for blender bottles! 

I am very pleasantly suprised that after waking up at 5:30, teach a full day of music class (which is very active), teaching choir and teaching 2 Zumba classes, I still have energy! Holy cow! I mean, don't get me wrong I am exhausted now but I made it and I didn't feel like crud the whole time. Good job detox. 

Ok, I'm falling asleep hard.  By for now!

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Arbonne Detox Day 8

Today I did not have a snow day (PRAISE THE LORD) so I was really able to put my detoxing body to the test!  I was very worried about energy levels and cravings throughout the day.  Turns out, I was just fine!  I had enough energy to carry me through all 7 of my music classes and I felt very good while doing it! 

I did get hungry around 11, but I always get hungry then so I ate some almonds and a fit chew that I packed and I was good to go!  

I'm actually liking not having to take my lunch box to school, I just take my blender bottle with my pre-made shake in it and that's it!

So, tomorrow will really be the true test.  Can I make it through waking up at 6:00am, collaboration in the morning, choir after school, and then 2 Zumba classes!? (Why do I do this stuff to myself!?) 

I guess we'll know tomorrow (if I make it)

See ya! 

Arbonne Detox Day 7

Well, we had another snow day so I was at home all day.  Nothing too exciting except my amazing Zumba classes!  So many people came out and we had a blast!  I haven't been feeling deprived of energy at all on those days even though I am burning an extra 800-1000 calories!  I just make sure that I am eating enough (which of course is fun) and I'm good!

Since I have to make it though 2 high impact Zumba classes, I have been making a full shake minus the fat and drinking half before and the other half as my recovery.  This helps me get enough calories and gives me energy to make it through class. 

All in all it was a great day!  

This is my class!  

Monday, January 12, 2015

Arbonne Detox Day 6

By now the detox diet is becoming easy for us.  The routine and adjusting to no sugar, gluten, or dairy is working for us!  

We still need to learn how to travel without eating like crud so if anybody has any idea how to do that, please comment below!  

We didn't try any new recipes for shakes, just our normal ones.  But Eric did make an amazing fried rice for supper!  Ask him how he does it.  

We weigh in tomorrow morning, I'll let you know how that goes!  

Woohoo!  Week 1 of detox is over!! 

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Arbonne Detox Day 5

Day 5 was a nice and lazy day.  I got up, had my morning shake and detox tea and then headed out to teach my morning Zumba class.  

I was so worn out from Pound last night that it was kind of tough for me.  I felt weaker and more tired but I'm pretty sure it was because of how hard I worked at Pound last night.   I only worked out 45min so I didn't get a recover shake =( 

I came home and I ate my 3 ingredient Chia Seed Pudding with some strawberries to recover a bit. About an hour after I made my lunch shake and it was soooo.... yummy. 

My lunch shake was:

1 Cup unsweetened almond coconut milk-blend
2 Scoop Arbonne Chocolate protein powder
1 Cup Organic Spinach
1/2 Cup Organic Strawberries
1 Tsp Sunflower Seed Butter

I quickly got hungry about an hour after lunch I ate an entire avocado!  I burned a lot of calories at Zumba and I really felt like I needed it.  It's important I don't let myself go into starvation mode. 

After lunch Eric went on a 14 mile run while it was like 5 DEGREES OUTSIDE!!  YES 14 MILES!! He's so cool.  I made him a very dense recovery shake.  See Eric doesn't want to lose any weight, in fact, he wants to gain it!  So this was his.  Try not to be too jealous. 

Eric's big ole shake:
1 Cup Unsweetened Almond Coconut Milk-Blend
2 Scoops Arbonne Vanilla Protein Powder
1 Organic Banana 
1/2 Cup Organic Blueberries 
1 T Organic unsweetened coconut 
2 T Organic Almonds
1/2 Cup Water (to make it easier to drink after a run)

He loved it after that huge run and it is holding him over so far. 

Eric and I are going to make Chicken breasts, black eyed peas, and broccoli for supper!  I am supper excited about that!  And then we are going to go to the movies!!   I can't wait!  We haven't been on a date in way to long.  I'll let you know how the popcorn temptation goes tomorrow.  =/

Arbonne Detox Day 4

The rest of day four was great!  After my tasty Almond Joy shake I went to Pound Rockout Workout (which is my favorite strength training excercise if you don't know what it is, check it out here: www.poundfit.com) 

Pound was great, I felt very strong and I pushed myself very hard in all of the routines.  I made a recovery shake before I left and I drank it right after I was done.  

This is what I did for that:

1 Scoop of Arbonne Chocolate Protein Shake
1/2 Cup of Almond/Coconut blend milk
1/2  Banana 
1/2 Cup Blue Berries

It was yummy and made me feel revived and refreshed after a hard workout. 

For supper we had gluten free/dairy free pizza.  This was interesting.  lol

For the crust, we used brown rice flour, baking soda, olive oil, and salt to make a St. Louis style cracker thin crust.  It turned out pretty good for being gluten free.   

The veggies and chicken on top was pretty good.  But the dairy free cheese left a lot to be desired.  I think it would have been better without any cheese at all!  I just wanted it to taste like yummy fresh mozzarella and it wasn't.  =(

If I were to make that pizza again, I would put more veggies and I would find healthy pepperoni!

I am glad my energy is back up and I feel good to work out.


Biggest thing Eric and I are missing: going out.  We basically realized that it is not going to be easy to go out with our friends for drinks or anything while doing the detox.  Also, we really wanted to make a spontaneous trip to Chicago but quickly realized that our favorite things to do in Chicago were eat and drink things that aren't on our approved list.  So we decided it would be way too tempting. 

Thanks for reading!  Have a wonderful day!

Friday, January 9, 2015

Arbonne 28 Day Detox Beginning

I have decided to become an Arbonne Independent Consultant and with that Eric and I have decided to commit to better health throughout our lives.  

We had been eating pretty clean before the holidays, mainly because our budget didn't allow for us to go out to eat.  But once the holidays hit, so did the weight around the waist (not for Eric....  bless his skinny body).   We intentionally chose to do the detox after the holidays because we knew we would be traveling and not treating our bodies very kindly.  I think one of our main factors was to nip the cravings in the butt before they began to effect our bodies even more.  

We both understand that our bodies are God's temple and what we put into them matters.  You are what you eat.  For real.  

Anyway, I am going to be blogging about how we are doing with it and what are bodies are doing every day.  Should be interesting?  Not sure, but let's give it a try and I hope you are along for the ride!

We are on Day 4 right now so I will first give you a recap of how it's been going. 


One word can describe this: STRUGGLE.   We had been eating so horrible that monday was a huge shock.  Not only that but our jobs started again, I taught Zumba for the first time in 2 weeks, and the biggest adjustment of all hit us hard: no coffee.  

I would be lying if I said it was an easy day.  I felt tired and hungry all day.  =( 

DAY 2 

A little bit easier for both of us but still hard.  We both had snow days so I went over to my friends house to catch up and help her with some cleaning and she had sweets everywhere!!  Did I mention that mother nature also came to visit me on day 1?!?!   

Well, it was not a very pretty time for me.  

Let's just say that day 2 ended with breakdown number 1 for me.  =/


Eric and I can both feel a difference in our bodies.  We feel energized and alert.  We feel strong.  We feel active.  We feel like we are detoxing!!! 

Our bodies are adjusting to the diet and we are starting to notice changes!  Yippee!!

DAY 4 

Starting to have fun with the yummy Arbonne protein shakes and make some tasty tasty shakes!

Yesterday I made a pumpkin pie shake 
*2 scoops Arbonne vanilla protien powder
*8 oz Almond Milk
*1/4 cup organic pumpkin puree 
*1 tsp flax seeds
*Pumpkin Pie seasoning to taste

Today I made Almond Joy shake
*2 Scoops Arbonne Chocolate Protein Powder
*8 oz Almond/Coconut milk blend
*1 T organic unsweetened shredded coconut
*1 tsp flax seeds

Both were OUTSTANDING!  I have Pound tonight and I am excited because I feel so good. 

I will say that trying to make sure I get 1200 calories in my diet  can be very hard on nights when I teach 2 Zumba classes but I have been making it work. 

The last few days I have felt full all day long and I am excited to see how everything is going to change over the next 24 days!

Stay tuned!  =) 

Thursday, January 8, 2015

3 Ingredient Chia Seed Tapioca Pudding

A couple weeks ago I went on a camping trip with my wonderful friend Anna.   We made all of our food over the campfire and had a beautiful time!   During our trip Anna whips out this amazing pudding to which she tells me there are only 3 ingredients!!   I didn't believe her at first, how on earth could something this tasting and incredibly good for you be this easy to make!?  Well, it is!   Now I'm sharing it with you.

So the 3 beautiful ingredients are: 

1. Canned Coconut Milk (organic is obviously better but it doesn't have to be)

2.  Shredded Coconut (best if organic of course!) 

3. Chia Seeds 

Get those ingredients and then all you have to do is mix it together! 

...wait isn't there more to it??  Well, I bit more but don't worry this is the easiet part.  

After you mix it it will look like that, not pudding yet! 


The next part is........  Put it in the fridge and just wait!  Wait two hours to be exact and then you take it out and eat it.  




Enjoy a super healthy extra yummy treat!  

Here's the easiest recipe for your enjoyment. 


1 Can of Coconut Milk 
2 Tablespoons Chia Seads
2 Tablespoons shredded coconut 
*if you want to sweeten it, add 4 tablespoons of agave nectar or honey 

Combine the entire can of coconut milk, chia seeds, shredded coconut milk in a small bowl and put it in the fridge for at leas two hours.  

That's it.  Enjoy!   

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