Friday, January 9, 2015

Arbonne 28 Day Detox Beginning

I have decided to become an Arbonne Independent Consultant and with that Eric and I have decided to commit to better health throughout our lives.  

We had been eating pretty clean before the holidays, mainly because our budget didn't allow for us to go out to eat.  But once the holidays hit, so did the weight around the waist (not for Eric....  bless his skinny body).   We intentionally chose to do the detox after the holidays because we knew we would be traveling and not treating our bodies very kindly.  I think one of our main factors was to nip the cravings in the butt before they began to effect our bodies even more.  

We both understand that our bodies are God's temple and what we put into them matters.  You are what you eat.  For real.  

Anyway, I am going to be blogging about how we are doing with it and what are bodies are doing every day.  Should be interesting?  Not sure, but let's give it a try and I hope you are along for the ride!

We are on Day 4 right now so I will first give you a recap of how it's been going. 


One word can describe this: STRUGGLE.   We had been eating so horrible that monday was a huge shock.  Not only that but our jobs started again, I taught Zumba for the first time in 2 weeks, and the biggest adjustment of all hit us hard: no coffee.  

I would be lying if I said it was an easy day.  I felt tired and hungry all day.  =( 

DAY 2 

A little bit easier for both of us but still hard.  We both had snow days so I went over to my friends house to catch up and help her with some cleaning and she had sweets everywhere!!  Did I mention that mother nature also came to visit me on day 1?!?!   

Well, it was not a very pretty time for me.  

Let's just say that day 2 ended with breakdown number 1 for me.  =/


Eric and I can both feel a difference in our bodies.  We feel energized and alert.  We feel strong.  We feel active.  We feel like we are detoxing!!! 

Our bodies are adjusting to the diet and we are starting to notice changes!  Yippee!!

DAY 4 

Starting to have fun with the yummy Arbonne protein shakes and make some tasty tasty shakes!

Yesterday I made a pumpkin pie shake 
*2 scoops Arbonne vanilla protien powder
*8 oz Almond Milk
*1/4 cup organic pumpkin puree 
*1 tsp flax seeds
*Pumpkin Pie seasoning to taste

Today I made Almond Joy shake
*2 Scoops Arbonne Chocolate Protein Powder
*8 oz Almond/Coconut milk blend
*1 T organic unsweetened shredded coconut
*1 tsp flax seeds

Both were OUTSTANDING!  I have Pound tonight and I am excited because I feel so good. 

I will say that trying to make sure I get 1200 calories in my diet  can be very hard on nights when I teach 2 Zumba classes but I have been making it work. 

The last few days I have felt full all day long and I am excited to see how everything is going to change over the next 24 days!

Stay tuned!  =) 

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