Sunday, February 16, 2014

Valentines Day Date at the Charlie Creek Inn

Before I delve into how wonderful our Valentine's day was I want to point out something for those girls that might think, "why doesn't MY boy do this!?"  Well, I used to be one of you.  In fact, for the last 3 years I have CRIED on Valentines day.  Yes, CRIED.  Eric had no idea how important valentines is for a relationship and it took him this long to figure it out.  However, until this year I had not communicated that Valentine's day was important to me.  So, how did he figure it out?  Because I realized that I needed to spell out exactly what I wanted and expected from valentines day. Men just need that sometimes.  Too many women expect them to know every expectation that we don't vocalize and it is simply unrealistic.  He thought that I was different from every other girl on the planet and that I didn't care about being romanced.  WHY?  Because he is a man and he was clueless.  

So this year I was very clear about what I was hoping for and he did excellent.   It was a classic valentines date and was a very special night for the two of us.  

Here is how it went...

After lunch, Eric showed up at the school with a bouquet of red roses and handed them to me.  He was planning on coming already but I did not expect him to come clad with roses!   He stayed to see my last two classes, just because he wanted to see what a day in my life looked like.  It made me feel really special that he wanted to come to work with me. 

When I came home I found a bouquet of white roses and a rose gold watch waiting for me! 

The watch is absolutely beautiful and I love it!  

Also, it's really hard to get a good picture of a watch. 

After much squealing and rejoicing about the watch and roses I got ready to go out!  We didn't take anymore pictures on the date.  Sometimes it is better to just live in the moment.  

We drove to Wabash Indiana to a wine and chocolate tasting at the Charlie Creek Inn, which is this really cute, historic hotel in downtown Wabash.  The tasting was really fun.  We got to taste 7 or 8 different wines and chocolate pairings and walk around the romantic inn.  It was fun just talking and enjoying each others company throughout the tasting.   I always have so much fun with Eric, everywhere we go. 

After the tasting, he had made reservations at the hotel restaurant Twenty.  This is probably the nicest restaurant within 50 miles of Peru.  It has the best French onion soup on this planet!  We both started out with the soup and then he had lobster mac & cheese and I had filet mignon and shrimp scampi.  Yum! We had a very nice, lingering dinner there and again enjoyed each other's company.  

After the restaurant I really wanted a scoop of chocolate ice cream so we headed over to the chocolate shop in the hotel.  They were closing in 5 minutes and gave me a scoop of hand-dipped "Death by Chocolate" ice cream for $1!  It was perfect timing and perfect pricing!  Also, the ice cream was to die for. 

After all of that we drove back to Peru and spent the rest of the evening in.  It was a very romantic, nice night that I am sure we will remember for years to come.  I am proud of Eric for finally figuring out how Valentines is supposed to be and for myself for communicating my desires to him.  

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