Thursday, January 8, 2015

3 Ingredient Chia Seed Tapioca Pudding

A couple weeks ago I went on a camping trip with my wonderful friend Anna.   We made all of our food over the campfire and had a beautiful time!   During our trip Anna whips out this amazing pudding to which she tells me there are only 3 ingredients!!   I didn't believe her at first, how on earth could something this tasting and incredibly good for you be this easy to make!?  Well, it is!   Now I'm sharing it with you.

So the 3 beautiful ingredients are: 

1. Canned Coconut Milk (organic is obviously better but it doesn't have to be)

2.  Shredded Coconut (best if organic of course!) 

3. Chia Seeds 

Get those ingredients and then all you have to do is mix it together! 

...wait isn't there more to it??  Well, I bit more but don't worry this is the easiet part.  

After you mix it it will look like that, not pudding yet! 


The next part is........  Put it in the fridge and just wait!  Wait two hours to be exact and then you take it out and eat it.  




Enjoy a super healthy extra yummy treat!  

Here's the easiest recipe for your enjoyment. 


1 Can of Coconut Milk 
2 Tablespoons Chia Seads
2 Tablespoons shredded coconut 
*if you want to sweeten it, add 4 tablespoons of agave nectar or honey 

Combine the entire can of coconut milk, chia seeds, shredded coconut milk in a small bowl and put it in the fridge for at leas two hours.  

That's it.  Enjoy!   

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