Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Adults can build forts too

Have you ever felt like you were getting in a boring routine and you needed to do something to just prove to yourself that you can still be spontaneous?  That was me last night.  Or maybe it was being stuck inside for 4 or maybe it was 5 days from the crazy monster snow storm that hit us.  

Anyway, I saw a Facebook friend of mine post that she made a fort.   So I closed my computer, jumped up, and moved the furniture around in the living room.  I was determine to BUILD A FORT.   Also, Eric had been down from having to go to work in the blizzard. He was in the back room recording music and I really wanted to be crazy and shock him back to life!  I wanted to do it as a surprise.  

I jumped up and did this!  I pulled the mattress off of our bed ALL BY MYSELF and pulled it into the living room.  

After that, Eric saw me and we proceeded to build the fort together which is even MORE FUN.  But who was I kidding, I was attempting to build a FORT without him knowing.  Of course he was going to find out!

Here is the finished product:

We took a bunch of sheets and draped them/tied them to everything. 

moved the Christmas lights that were under the tree to inside the fort

Put all of our pillows and blankets in there, and then enjoyed!

We have had the fort up for a full day now and it has been super fun, romantic, and just reminding us about how much like kids we still are.

We slept in there last night, and we are sleeping in it tonight as well!

So, here's to a fun fort, here's to breaking the mold, here's to not letting ourselves be "old".  I seriously hope that Eric and I continue to do crazy things like this the older we get.

So, be crazy!  Build a fort in your living room, it's freeing!

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