Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Turn your radiator into a humidifier

If you live in an old house and are lucky enough to have these beauties, I have a little trick for you!  Being a vocalist, I am kind of a diva about the humidity of my air.  When I told my mother that I had radiator heat she suggested this little trick!

Get a little tray of some sort (I got mine from dollar tree for $1), it helps to get a pretty one because it will be out with your decor all winter.  Also, make sure it is shallow enough that the water can be heated enough to evaporate in the air and that the pan is thin enough that the water will get hot enough. 

Then I put this cute little water jug on the radiator to remember to fill it up and make it easier. 

Putting both of them up there makes it easy for me to remember to fill it up and it looks kind of cute.  I notice a big difference when these little guys are filled up, verses when they aren't.  

So, there you go!  Free humidifiers for your whole house!  (providing you have radiator heat)

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