Fulfilling Relationships

Valentine's Day Date at the Charlie Creek Inn

Before I delve into how wonderful our Valentine's day was I want to point out something for those girls that might think, "why doesn't MY boy do this!?" Well, I used to be one of you. In fact, for the last 3 years I have CRIED on Valentines day. Yes, CRIED. Eric had no idea how important valentines is for a relationship and it took him this long to figure it out. However, until this year I had not communicated that Valentine's day was important to me. So, how did he figure it out?

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Have you ever felt like you were getting in a boring routine and you needed to do something to just prove to yourself that you can still be spontaneous?  That was me last night.  Or maybe it was being stuck inside for 4 or maybe it was 5 days from the crazy monster snow storm that hit us.  

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