Friday, January 16, 2015

Arbonne Detox Day 11

Today was my first day on the detox while not being at home.  So I did a lot of prep work before.  Eric helped me pack snacks, lots of snacks and enough shakes for every meal.  

I filled the blender up with enough stuff for 4 shakes blended and then put it all in separate blender bottles. 

I have to say, it was a bit awkward when I went to lunch with a friend, ordered an ice tea, and drank my shake.  Lol.  😁 But it worked out and I got a chance to share Arbonne and how it has made me feel so far which is AWESOME!  

I'm glad I brought my fit chews and fizz sticks to keep me going.  I also packed some carrots and almonds to keep me going.  

The worst part was that we went out to dinner for PIZZA (which is my favorite) and I had to order a very naked salad.  Cocktail hour is next and I am not looking forward to not being able to get a cocktail.  I'm planning on just drinking tonic water with lime or lemon and acting like I'm tipsy.  Lol.  I'll let you know how it works out.  

Have a wonderful night!  Thanks for reading! 

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