Sunday, October 5, 2014

Beer Can Chicken

For as hillbilly as Beer Can Chicken sounds it has become a staple meal in our recipe box.  It's easy, super yummy, and pretty cheap and here is how you do it!  

You have to have one of these Beer Can Chicken stands like this.  If you don't have this you can try to be creative, but I've always used one of these.  They are fairly cheap. 

You take a can of beer, any kind of beer, as long as it's beer. You only need half of the can for the chicken, so I poured the other half in the bottom of my amazing Pampered Chef stone.  

Put the can of beer 1/2 full in the hole in the middle of the stand and then just set the chicken on top of the stand.  It's kind of funny because it looks like he is just sitting there!  

After I put the chicken on his pedestal, I was ready to oil him up!  I usually use olive oil but upon buying 3 big tubs of coconut oil in bulk, I decided to give it a shot.  The coconut oil was in solid state so it was kind of tricky rubbing it in, but it worked.  I think the coconut oil paid off because the skin was a lot more crispy this time.  I let some of the coconut oil fall into the vegetables too. 

I then chopped up 3 potatoes, 3 carrots, and 1/2 of an onion and put them in the beer in the bottom of my pan.  I kind of stirred them up and let them get coated in the beer.  

For the seasonings I just went crazy.  I love cooking with a lot of seasoning, I mean a lot!  But, hey it tastes good!  So anyway, I first took my amazing Celtic sea salt that makes everything taste magical and I started rubbing it into my coconut oil all over my chicken and into my vegetables.  Then I took some oregano and was very generous with it.  I covered my bird and the veggies in it.  After that I did garlic salt, but not too much because I already used my celtic sea salt.  Finally, I ground up some pepper and rubbed that all over.  I was then ready for the oven!  

I put it in the oven at 375 degrees for an hour.  My oven is awful so I have to rotate it to make sure it gets cooked all the way through evenly.  Make sure it is cooked fully by taking the temperature of the bird in the thigh.  

Then we took the bird off of the stand, be very careful it is very hot with beer and other juices!   When we got it out, we put it on a separate platter, carved it, and devoured it.  

But the veggies... ooooohhhhhh... those veggies were AMAZING.  I wish I had done twice as many!  I served them in the stone so we could have all of the juices with them.  

It was a crowd pleaser and super easy and cheap! 

Here is the recipe broken down: 

What you need: 
  • Some sort of pan for the chicken to sit on with the veggies in the bottom like a pie pan. I use a circular Pampered Chef stone.
  • Beer can chicken stand

  • 1 Can of beer
  • 1 whole chicken
  • 3 russet potatoes 
  • 3 carrots 
  • 1/2 an onion
  • Celtic Sea Salt (regular salt will work too)
  • Oregano
  • Garlic Salt
  • Ground Pepper
  • Coconut oil (Olive oil will work too)

What to do: 
  1. Preheat oven to 375
  2. Empty half of the can of beer into the bottom of your pan and keep the other half of the beer in your can.
  3. Place the can into the beer can chicken stand
  4. Put the chicken over the top of the beer can and situate him so he is sitting up 
  5. Chop up your potatoes, carrots, and onion and put them in the bottom of your pan with the beer. 
  6. Rub down your chicken with the coconut oil or whatever you are using until it is thoroughly covered.  Let some of the oil fall into the veggies.  
  7. Rub the salt, oregano, garlic salt, and ground pepper liberally all over the chicken and veggies.  
  8. Bake at 375 for 1 hour or until the chicken reaches 165.  
  9. Take out of oven and carefully take the bird off of the stand.  This is easiest when done with two people and tongs. 
  10. Place chicken on a platter, carve, and serve!
  11. Keep veggies in the pan or place into a separate bowl but make sure to keep the juices and serve! 

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