Thursday, February 5, 2015

Arbonne Pure Mint Deodorant

I have tried NUMEROUS deodorants without aluminum in them and have spent many days smelling because of them.  When I found out Arbonne had a deodorant that was aluminum free I was instantly relieved.   I know that whatever Arbonne makes turns to gold and I was extremely excited to try it! 

Well, I got it in the mail yesterday and I tried it out today!  I put it on pretty heavy and then strutted off to work.  Anybody that knows me knows that I am an over sharer.   I tell everybody everything.  Whoops!  So I was taking to my co-workers about my deodorant and one of them brought up this amazing thought about sweating.  Our bodies sweat to get rid of the crap inside and if we are blocking off the sweat with aluminum, not only are we trapping that crap inside but we are also pushing aluminum in us!  Ugh!  Even more reason to wear non-aluminum deodorant!   

So did it work!?  Yes!!!  I was sweating pretty much all day and at the end of the day I still smelled fresh and minty! 

I did put my normal aluminum filled deodorant back on for Zumba because I sweat so much and I don't want eveybody to leave my class because I smell so bad!  

I'm going to try it Saturday during Zumba and I will let you know how it goes.  

In the meantime, let me know if you want to try it!  I accidentally bought an extra! 

Arbonne Detox Day 20 - 28

The last week of the detox was great. 

Everything was so easy!  No cravings and feeling great!  Nothing unexpected and by this time our diet and schedule have become second nature. 

In fact, on Monday a sweet little third grader came to my room and gave me a sugary cupcake.  Little did she know how much that cupcake would hurt me!  I've been getting really generous with my sugary snacks lately and giving them away to whomever will take them!  So I walked to the classroom beside me and gave it to one of the aids in there that was happy to receive it!  I didn't even want to eat it.  The thought of that cupcake made me sick to my stomach.  I consider that a HUGE win!  

We finished out the 28 days with flying colors! Not to say it wasn't hard because it seriously was very very hard.  

I'm very nervous about adding foods back in because I feel and look so good that I know I was allergic to something.  Crossing my fingers that it isn't dairy!!  

So over the 28 days I have lost 6.8 pounds, which is HUGE for me.  I am back down to the weight that I was at pre-college, something I didn't think I could actually do.  

I'll keep you guys posted on how I feel as I add things in.  

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