Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Magnificent Coconut Mango Frozen Yogurt

For Christmas, Eric got me this wonderful Kitchen Aid Ice Cream Bowl.   I absolutely love it and have had a ton of fun exploring some of the possibilities I can do with it!   I made Egg Nog Ice Cream, Regular Ice Cream, and Double Chocolate Custard (that was my favorite).  But none of those things are healthy for me and I am the kind of person, that if it is in my house, I will eat it.  So I starting thinking of HEALTHY things I could make in it.  Then I came to the idea to make FROZEN YOGURT!

I didn't start with a recipe, in fact I didn't even want to look for one.  I had an idea of how to make it in my head and so I set out and did it!  It tasted SO GOOD and it was healthy for me!

We had these frozen mango chunks from Trader Joes that we got for smoothies a long time ago and we never really used them, so I decided I would whip those babies out.   We had 2 cups of them left, so that is what I started with.   I thawed them in warm water first. 

Then I placed them in this awesome guy we got as a wedding gift!   It's a food processor but it has 4 different cups which all have their own lids so they double as tupperware.  Also, this little guy is SUPER fast and not big and bulky.  So, I put them in there and chopped them until they weren't getting any smoother. 

It wasn't as smooth as I wanted it to be, so I pushed it through a mesh strainer into a bowl until this is all that was left in the strainer. 

This is what came through the strainer, nice smooth mango cream stuff.  

I added 1 1/2 Cups of Whole Milk Organic Yogurt (I meant to get greek yogurt but this was on sale) and I stirred until well combined.  Then I added the sugar and coconut and stirred some more. 

I placed it in my Kitched Aid Ice Cream Maker and let it go for about 15 - 20 minutes until it was ice cream consistency.   And this is what I ended up with!  IT WAS SO GOOD!  I was so proud of myself coming up with a recipe for something that I had never tried before! 

I placed what was left of it in a frozen bowl (so it would melt when it hit the bowl and freeze badly) and put it in the freezer!   It didn't stay as soft when it was frozen but it thawed out after a bit and tasted WONDERFUL!   

So here is the recipe:

2 Cups Frozen or Fresh Mango Chunks 
1 1/2 Cups Plain Yogurt 
1/2 Cup Finely Chopped Coconut 
1/3 Cup Sugar 

1.  Place thawed mango chunks in a food processor or blender and blend until smooth
2.  Place a mesh strainer over a medium bowl and push pureed mango through strainer until no more liquid is left
3. Add yogurt, coconut, and sugar and stir until well combined 
4. Place Yogurt Mixture in ice cream maker and follow manufactures instructions 
5. For best taste serve immediately
6.  If you have to freeze it, place it a frozen bowl, cover, and place in freezer.  Set out on counter for 5 minutes before eating.  

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